Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bruce's PSA: Wear your helmet!

This was a call we ran on earlier this week. The car T-boned a bicyclist. Notice the imprint of the chain and front crank on the pumper on the first photo. Amazingly, the rider appeared not to be too seriously injured. His helmet probably saved his life had sustained some serious impact. Wear your helmet!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Word of the Week

I don't know where it came from but I have caught myself using the word "Bizarre" more than usual this past week. Ok, I don't really know how much I use any word much less the word Bizarre but I figure I just hear it coming out of my mouth more than I would expect. Today I was at work and it didn't even come out of my mouth. I was looking over a report or something and after I read something that was in no way bizarre, it just popped in my head. That's really when I noticed the pattern.
Being the visual person I am, I did a Google Image search just for fun. I do that a lot actually, just to see what kind of photos / images pop up for a particular word.
These were my favorites from the bizarre image search:

Bizarre indeed....I'd kinda like to have the bug book. I also realized that I misspell bizarre 90% of the time.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Town Hall For HOPE

I am so tired of the fear-mongering that has been going around in both government and especially media over the past several months. I have even had to limit my exposure to the media lately because I started to become aware of how it was affecting me. Just watch 30 minutes of any news channel and tell me you don't feel a little dirty, a little darker, or maybe even a little bit of anger. I have had some first hand experience with the media through the fire service and it is evident that the media for the most part no longer reports the news...they are in the business of making the news and most of it is negative.
I was proud that my church had invited Dave Ramsey to speak to us over the past three weeks and remind everyone that would listen that we serve a God that is so much bigger than any of the trash the world would have us believe. The same God that says: "For every beast of the forest is Mine, The cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird of the mountains, And everything that moves in the field is Mine. If I were hungry I would not tell you, For the world is Mine, and all it contains...Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me."(versus found in Psalm 50)
Refreshing huh?

I'm not sure if it came about through Dave's being at our church or if it was planned before, but I am so glad that this truth and a message of hope will soon reach a lot more people.

It's going to be available all over the place...check it out!